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EDI Journal as the official member magazine of BDIZ EDI – European Association of Dental Implantologists – is the first and only European professional journal of its kind for clinicians with a distinct interest in dental implantology. The specific dental section of this periodical offers great varity of original work, case reports, scientific research and other articles presented by international authors, all helping to make this top-quality platform a truly international voice in oral implantology. A peer-reviewed scientific journal, EDI Journal is also a platform for product innovations, new technologies, techniques and methods. Leading dental implantologists are offered in-depth information on important ancillary themes such as European standards, quality guidelines, legal advice, questions of remuneration and professional qualifi cation and specialization. With a large number of BDIZ EDI partners throughout Europe and beyond, EDI Journal offers direct access to cutting-edge knowledge and places technical excellence and the intra-European exchange of knowledge at the centre of attention, striving towards continual advances in implant education and the creation of pan-European standards and compliance for a progressive harmonization of dental implantology in Europe.


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NSK Europe GmbH
Editorial: MDR – Roadblock to innovation
Christian Berger, President BDIZ EDI
Dear reader, one year ago, the European Commission ended the due to corona one-year-transition period and the European Medical Device Regulation (MDR) came into effect on 26 May 2021. The comprehensive reform of the entire European medical device law obviously affects also dental practices and dental laboratories and of course the medical device industry...
Table of content
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Partner Organizations of BDIZ EDI
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Scientific Board/ Imprint
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17th BDIZ EDI Expert Symposium: Risk factor periodontal diseases – Covering a wide field
Anita Wuttke
The classic question – to preserve or to implant? – has been driving dentistry for many years. The topic of the 17th Expert Symposium, “Periodontal disease as a risk factor – tooth preservation or implantology?” not only provided interdisciplinary answers to many open questions but also presented new approaches worth discussing. The symposium – live in Cologne again after the Coronavirus hiatus – was moderated by Prof. Joachim E. Zöller.
30th European Committee meeting in Cologn – Great demand for continuing education in implantology
Anita Wuttke
Once again, the representatives of the partner associations of BDIZ EDI and invited guests met in 2022 on the occasion of the 30th Expert Symposium to exchange ideas. The one topic that dominated the Cologne meeting in early May was the situation of dentists in the various countries in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Updated Cologne ABC Risk Score for implant treatment – Guideline 2022: Risk assessment at a glance
Anita Wuttke
Among the many continuing professional development (CPD) events in the dental field, the Expert Symposium by BDIZ EDI – European Association of Dental Implantologists is an event that sets standards. After ten years, the paper on the Cologne ABC Risk Score has now been revised and updated. The 17th European Consensus Conference of BDIZ EDI (EuCC) conducted this year’s proceedings using remote communication technology. Prof. Dr Jörg Neugebauer presented the results at the 17th Expert Symposium in Cologne.
BDIZ EDI active on social media: @bdiz_edi: stay tuned
Instagram, Twitter and Facebook are all about capturing and sharing authentic, relevant and cutting-edge content. Today, the platforms have more than a billion users worldwide, including many dentists, dental technicians and dental assistants. BDIZ EDI seizes the chance to connect with its members and interested dental clinicians as well as collaborating associations and others worldwide via these communication channels. But the association is still at the beginning and needs your support.
Straumann Group Deutschland
European Federation of Periodontology in Copenhagen – Most exciting EuroPerio ever
EuroPerio10, the world’s leading congress in periodontology and implant dentistry organised in Copenhagen on 15-18 June by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), was proven to be the most exciting EuroPerio yet...
Marco Landi on the annual report of CED – Former president’s perspective
The 2021 annual report not only concludes the year 2021, but also six years of Marco Landi’s CED presidency. A few historical events marked these years: terrorist attacks in Brussels, Brexit, the COVID-19 pandemic, European Parliament elections and a new era in health, with the adoption of the first steps towards a European Health Union...
Statement on e-evidence proposal – CED calls for exemption
At their meeting in September 2021, the board of directors of the Council of the European Dentists (CED) examined the developments related to the European Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation on European Production and Preservation Orders for electronic evidence in criminal matters COM(2018) 225 (e-Evidence Regulation).
Europe Ticker +++
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ECJ ruling on dispensing over-the-counter medicines in other EU countries – Exceptions only in case of special medical needs
If a drug may be sold without prescription in one EU member state, this does not automatically mean that it may also be dispensed in other EU states, according to a decision by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in Luxembourg.
Did you ever know …
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Osstem Implant
European Medical Device Regulation (MDR) – Waiting is not an option
Anita Wuttke
The Medical Device Regulation was on the agenda at the meeting of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) in mid-June, where the health ministers of the European member states discussed implementation problems. However, the EU Commission will probably not present any solutions until the end of 2022. “It is a good thing that the EU Commission and the member states are taking the concerns of clinics, doctors and med-tech companies seriously and striving for pragmatic solutions. But: Waiting is not an option! We need concrete solutions and measures now and cannot wait until the EU Commission's next status report in December 2022”, said Dr Marc-Pierre Möll, Managing Director and board member of the powerful German Medical Technology Association (Verband Medizintechnologie, BV-Med), commenting on the outcome of the meeting.
European Medical Device Regulation (MDR) – What are thechanges for the dental practices?
Anita Wuttke
The European Medical Device Regulation (MDR) has come into effect on 25 May 2017 and has replaced on 26 May 2021 the previously applicable Medical Devices Act (MPG) and its European predecessor, the Medical Device Directive (MDD). In this overview article, the editorial team highlights what will change for dental practices. The BDIZ EDI has been providing information about the MDR since 2019.
curasan AG
Certification as an EDA Expert in Implantology – Qualification forexperienced implantologists
Anita Wuttke
For many years, BDIZ EDI has been catering to experienced and well-versed oral implantologists by offering the certification exam for EDA Expert in Implantology. Jointly with the European Dental Association (EDA), BDIZ EDI regularly invites interested dentists to take the certification exam, which we would like to present in this article.
Certification exam – EDA Expert in Implantology Application for accreditation
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Dentists in German motion pictures – Part 2 and conclusion of the overview of the portrayal of the dental profession in German feature films
Prof. Dr Axel Karenberg
In the mid-1960s, cinema and dentistry were moving in different directions. Dentistry broke new ground with technical innovations such as turbines (about 1965), laser instruments (after 1970) and surgical microscopes (after 1975) [Strübig, 1979]. The film industry had to cope with an increasing number of theatre closures. TV, while not the only culprit, played a major role in this development on both sides of the Iron Curtain. The two German states employed different strategies to support the film industry [Faulstich, 2005; Müller, 2016...
Rehabilitation of a failing central incisor – A periodontal and restorative success formula
Dr Rita Singh, Nepa
Rehabilitation in the anterior zone with implant-supported restorations is a daunting task. Implant-supported rehabilitation in the anterior maxilla requires seamless merging of the resto- ration with the existing gingival architecture. Therefore, prosthetically driven implant placement is of utmost importance in achieving the aesthetic goal. Implant success is not limited to osseointegration alone but is mainly dependent on the aesthetic outcome. Another important factor influencing success of the procedure is the quality of hard and soft tissue available at the time of treatment planning. This periodontal assessment is the crux of aesthetic zone management in cases which require augmentation procedures with immediate implantation...
Immediate implant placement and restoration – a new level of precision
Dr Markus Sperlich and Dr Mathias Sperlich, Germany
Patients increasingly seek shorter and less invasive treatments that minimise physical and psychological limitations. This finding was confirmed by current studies and forward-looking analyses,1 indicating a growing demand for efficient immediate implantological and restorative solutions. Extensive information are now accessible online, so today’s patients are much more aware of existing implant placement and restoration options. In this article, dentists Markus Sperlich and Mathias Sperlich discuss the immediate implantological treatment concept.
Supporting the osseointegration of ceramic implants
Dr Dominik Nischwitz
In traditional oral surgery and implantology, the focus is on implant healing and on the local prerequisites for maintaining or building bone and soft tissue. But our prevailing perspective rarely transcends the oral cavity. Traditionally, we distinguish four potential mechanisms of bone formation: osteoinduction (growth factors), osteoconduction (bone replacement materials as "placeholders”), distraction osteogenesis and guided tissue regeneration (membranes, shell technique, etc.).1
Single-tooth replacement with ceramic implants
Dental implants have helped to improve quality of life for our patients. The material of choice for implants remains Type IV titanium, whose mechanical and biological properties have been proved.1 Yet, this material is not exempt from complications. Firstly, these metallic implants show aesthetic limitations when used in the anterior region, especially in patients with a thin gingival biotype. Examples are the possible appearance of a metallic margin in case of gingival recession and a greyish discoloration due to translucency of the peri-implant mucosa.2, 3 ...
On September 23rd and 24th 2022, the EUROSYMPOSIUM will take place for the seventeenth time under the scientific direction of Prof. Frank Palm/ Konstanz. The program is thematically broad again and aligned to the informational needs of practitioners...
Dreams and reality – treatment concepts and trends
The focus will be on a wide range of contemporary issues within implant dentistry, such as how to tackle demanding restoration cases, selecting the appropriate treatment concept for edentulous patients, advances in the digital workflow, as well as state-of-the-art tissue regeneration...
A 12-month follow-up: Delayed immediate implant placement and direct soft-tissue manageme
Dr Haki Tekyatan, Germany
This follow-up after 12 months concerns the current clinical and radiological condition of a case previously documented in a published report,1 more specifically an implantological treatment in region #12. In summary, endodontic treatment of tooth #12 had failed, the tooth was not worth preserving and it was thus extracted in a minimally invasive manner...
Finding the right time for implant loading
Today, the trend in implant dentistry is to have a short or no healing period at all before loading the implant. If conditions are not optimal, poor primary stability may increase the risk of implant failure. The Osseo 100 measures implant stability and osseointegration to provide sufficient information to decide when to load an implant. This is particularly important when working with shorter treatment time or managing risk patients...
Immediate implant placement: Better than ever
With its SKY fast & fixed implant system, bredent paved the way for its international success some 15 years ago. Since then, the company has continuously developed its system together with users. It is not ony a new product, but also a very special and innovative form of therapy: patients who become edentulous can be completely restored with a small number of implants. And this can be done in just one day and with a success rate of over 98 per cent. This is because, in contrast to delayed implantation, immediate implantation preserves the surrounding soft and hard tissue and achieves a correspondingly better osseointegration...
Osstem Europe: New European headquarters in Prague
Interview with JM Lee, Executive Managing Director of Osstem Europe
As one of the fastest growing implant manufacturers in the world, the South Korean company Osstem Implant provides dental implants and related products to patients in more than 70 countries. Now the company opened the doors to its new headquarters in Prague. In an interview, JM Lee, Executive Managing Director of Osstem Europe, talks about the company’s motivation and their plans for the European market.
bredent medical GmbH & Co. KG
Precise and fast VPS impression material
Osstem Europe, the European headquarters of Osstem Implant, one of the most dominant implants sellers worldwide, has launched HySil Plus, a precise and fast V.P.S. impression material with a light, heavy, and mono (medium) body...
The new fixing screw – development for the digital workflow
Improvements always start in the detail. True to this motto, the innovators at Dentaurum Implants have developed the fixation screw. It allows the new titanium scan abutments to be inserted safely and precisely. This ensures that the abutment is correctly inserted, even in areas that are difficult to view—without additional X-rays.
Better now than later: Immediate implant placement in focus
Dr. Armin Nedjat
For patients there is usually no doubt: implants placed directly after an extraction, requiring no separate surgical procedure, are an attractive option. But how does the peri-implant tissue react to immediate implant placement? And how does this technique compare to delayed or late implant placement protocols? We are taking a look at a selection of studies to answer this question.
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EDI Journal – Information for authors
EDI Journal – the interdisciplinary journal for prosthetic dental implantology is aimed at dentists and technicians interested in prosthetics implantology. All contributions submitted should be focused on this aspect in content and form. Suggested contributions may include: ...
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