A new report on the state of healthcare in the EU has found that work- force shortages and an ageing population are contributing to a “shifting balance” between the demand and supply of health services on the continent. Published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and European Commission, the report underscores significant inequities in dental care access across EU countries, shaped by factors such as income inequality and public insurance coverage. The findings call for a balanced focus on equitable funding, strategic dentist distribution and preventive care initiatives...
“Come and see the future, and experience the next level of CAD design”
An interview with Novica Savic, chief commercial officer and managing director at exocad.
Exocad, an Align Technology company and one of the leading providers of dental CAD/CAM software, is set to showcase the next level of dental CAD design at this year’s IDS. In this interview, conducted in advance of IDS, Novica Savic, chief commer cial officer and managing director at exocad, discusses what lies be hind this announcement and ex p lains why IDS is a significant event for the company.
Dürr Dental’s system solutions will be celebrating a major anniversary at the upcoming IDS. Last year, Dürr Dental marked a significant mile stone: 60 years of dental suction sys tems. This invention had a transfor mative impact on dentistry in the 1960s, creating long lasting improve ments that practitioners and patients continue to benefit from today. How ever, it was another Dürr Dental inno vation in 1965 that enabled the long term use of dental suction systems: suction unit disinfection with Orotol.
Carbon will showcase its commitment to precision, automation and innovation at IDS 2025. As a global leader in digital manufacturing solutions, the company believes in empowering dental laboratories with technology that enhances efficiency, reduces complexity and delivers outstanding results for clinicians and patients...
At the upcoming IDS, Align Technology plans to present its latest digital and software technology innovations. The company is inviting forward-thinking general dental practitioners and laboratory owners, whether they are advanced users or just beginning to explore digital dentistry, to discover the most recently launched diagnostic, planning and treatment technologies...