The concept of minimally invasive dentistry is a fairly new concept, following the recent literature. This procedure aims to maximise the preservation of residual tooth structure, as it may be an effective way to reduce the
incidence of tooth fractures after treatment. However, other statements contextualise this aspect and emphasise that the main goal of endodontic treatment, sufficient chemo-mechanical preparation of the entire root canal system, is more challenging when using minimally invasive approaches.
Additionally, the technique requires specific and appropriate tools such as ultra-flexible instruments, visual magnification, superior illumination, and precise knowledge about tooth and root canal anatomy.
This workshop will give you an idea of the technical procedures of minimally invasive endodontics in different clinical situations, highlight their limitations and define how far minimally invasive clinicians should go to ensure gold standard endodontic treatments.
Keywords: access cavity (traditional, conservative, ultra-conservative, Ninja, Truss), outline opening, straight line access, root canal preparation